TKO Minis Age 4-5
(Birth Years 2019-2020)
TKO Minis offers multiple training opportunities for young players and is designed for players new to the game of soccer. The goal of TKO Minis is to prepare players for TKO Juniors by adhering to the structure set forth by US Soccer and focusing on 4v4 play with lots of touches on the ball. Players are introduced to basic foot skills and soccer techniques. This program is completely player centered with professional coaches supporting each player's growth.
The program is directed by Dustin Snyder, TKO Academy Director.
Fall, Spring, Summer trainings take place at the Drake Road Soccer Complex, 901 S. Drake Rd., Kalamazoo 49009.
Winter trainings take place at Portage Soccerzone, 7187 S Sprinkle Rd, Portage, MI 49002
Questions? Please send Dustin a message.

1 Day Program
30/30 Training Model - 30 minutes of ball mastery activities, 30 minutes of 3v3 or 4v4 scrimmages.
Days/Times: Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm
- Fall: August-October
- Winter: Jan-March
- Spring: April-June
Minimum # of Sessions:
- 8 practices in fall
- 8 practices in spring
- 10 practices in winter
- Fall or Spring Only $60
- Winter Only $100
- One day practice
- Fall, Winter, and Spring $200
Uniform: Red training jersey

2 Day Program
1 Training per week 30/30 Training Model - 30 minutes of ball mastery activities, 30 minutes of 3v3 or 4v4 scrimmages. Games on Sundays against other TKO Minis.
- Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm
- Sunday (Games) 11:00am-12:00pm
- Fall: August-October
- Winter: Jan-March
- Spring: April-June
Minimum # of Sessions:
- 8 practices in fall
- 5 games in fall
- 8 practices in spring
- 5 games in spring
- 10 practices in winter
- Fall or Spring Only $120
- Winter Only $100
- One day practice
- Fall, Winter, and Spring $299
Uniform: A blue and red training jersey
Summer Only
40/20 Training Model - 40 minutes of ball mastery and small sided games; 20 minutes of 3v3 or 4v4 scrimmages.
Days: Wednesdays
Time: 5:00-6:00pm
Dates: June-July
Minimum # of Sessions: 6
Cost: $80
Uniform: Blue or red training jersey depending upon age
Game Basics
All games are on Sundays for TKO Minis
- TKO Academy games are against TKO Mini players.
- These are separated, boys and girls games. Games are 4v4 or 5v5 (goalie).
We do not have set teams for the following reasons:
- Maintains a competitive balance
- Different team each week means making new friends
- Variety of coaches and chance to learn something new
Game Day Details
- Arrive 20-25 minutes early (parking lots will be busy).
- Shoes tied!!!!
- Have them go to the bathroom before each game.
- Let them make mistakes and let them solve them as the coach guides them.
- They will play multiple positions and look uncomfortable at times, this is a good thing.